CIO Insight
By Dr. Hossein Eslambolchi
Date: December 2012
Big Data has been a much-discussed topic over the past few years and to be honest, it’s the first time for a long time in the tech industry where both business requirements and product innovation seem to be synchronized on how to gain real business value. Decision makers are excited at the opportunities Big Data presents which comes in the form of many more customer interactions within the marketplace and thanks to Facebook, Twitter, video and just increased messaging that is both targeted and personalized, there is a strong foundation to quickly derive fast results and better market predictions. Enterprises have become more automated where machines and sensors literally generate terabyte volumes each day, which must be collected, stored and analyzed. In the communications sector alone, daily WAP-logs for a Tier one provider are in the 10’s of billions, which amounts to several petabytes just after 3 months. What all of this boils down to is volumes of inbound multi-structured data which IT organizations must manage in the most efficient and cost effective way while continuing to give business users access to the right information at the right time.
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